Saturday, 4 February 2012

About Mozambique

You'll notice that there's an ongoing poll in the left side-bar. I'm curious about how much people know about Mozambique, so please complete the survey after all it's one question. I must admit that I did not know much about it other than where it was located geographically.

So what have I learnt so far? While its development was influenced by many local groups, heavy interaction with the Islamic Empire was part of its growth up to the arrival of the Portuguese. Similar to other parts of Africa and the Middle East, the latter interaction with the Europeans had quite an impact on its development. Please refer to this timeline[1] and economic report[2]for a better understanding of this region.

We've been talking to other volunteers currently placed there, as well as expats who have lived there - they all like and love it! Some want to live out their retirement there. Other volunteers have extended their stay through other placements. In terms of reception, it seems that foreigners are very much welcomed. As many places in this world, you'll have to be patient with the paperwork regarding permits to work and reside within the country.

It's hard to write more about Mozambique without living there ... it seems to distant to write extensively about it. All I can do is read more and prepare for our trip, which will be in the latter part of March. I plan to have regular postings once I'm in-country.



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