Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Inauguration night

As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been working with CJE Maputo to put together a resource centre for youth employment and development. This past Thursday was the inauguration night opened by the US Ambassador to Mozambique and the Minister of Youth and Sports. It was an opportunity for VSO to highlight its collaborative work in Mozambique, in particular, CJE Maputo, Bonga Mbilu (Changana, a Mozambican dialect, meaning "Thanks from the heart"), the USA Embassy, Mozarte, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Three weeks into my stay here and I had to give a speech! Thank goodness no one recorded, as it was a mash of portuguese and spanish … something about how this room is a part of the objectives of CJE Maputo in creating a space where youth can develop their careers, further their knowledge, and get some mentoring and training in working in a knowledge based world.

Of course, as with any event such as this, there has to be a cultural component … have a listen to some wonderful music using a couple of Mbiras.

Here are a few photos from the event ...
Demonstrating the computer to the US Ambassador and the Minister of Youth and Sports.
Enosse presenting (in proper Portuguese!) the objectives of CJE Maputo and how this resource room would be used.
Minister of Youth and Sports (left) chatting with the US Ambassador to Mozambique (right)
Joaquim (far left), a VSO programme officer, the Minister, and the Ambassador joking about the use of the computers.
Enosse checking his phone
Speech time, MC'd by the Director of Mozarte
Really relaxing music using Mbiras
The US  Ambassador is presented a gift made by someone at Mozarte

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